As they say: new year, new trends.

It’s the start of a brand-new year and we’re excited to turn our attention towards the future.

To kick things off on the right foot, we’ve put together a list of our top five predictions for the coming year, based on where we’ve identified some of the strongest interest and forward momentum over the last 365 days. So without further ado, let’s brush off the crystal ball and take on some of the biggest trends that will shape the mobile industry in 2018.


1. From Mobile-First to Mobile-Only


This year, the shift from mobile-first to mobile-only will reach new highs. Mobile-friendly and mobile-first have become antiquated terms as more and more people turn their attention away from desktops and televisions, and on to their smartphones and tablets.

In 2017, mobile devices accounted for nearly 70% of all digital media engagement. This year, that number is on track to hit 79% as millions of new users embrace the mobile-only way of life.

And, as the practice of cord cutting continues to pick up speed (over 22 million Americans cut the cord on their TV services in 2017 alone), we’re heading towards a mobile-everything universe faster than ever.



2. Taking a Hardline Approach Against Fraud

If 2016 was the year to understand mobile ad fraud and 2017 was the year to form a unified strategy, then 2018 will be the year to put that plan into action.

At this stage of the game, we’re well aware of the extent of mobile fraud and we’ve become intimately familiar with all of the ways that fraudsters are able to slip through the cracks undetected. As a result, today’s leading vendors, mobile measurement partners, and advertisers are more prepared than ever to tackle fraud together.

While 2018 will undoubtedly bring some new schemes from these fraudsters, what’s more important is that we’ll also see a more unified front between partners and a faster, stronger, more effective response to each and every new development.


3. Enhancing Digital Security


As we continue to crack down on fraud, 2018 will also call our attention toward other elements of our cyber security needs.

With each new high-profile security breach that took place in 2017, mobile users grew more concerned about their online privacy than ever before. This year, we’ll see the importance of enhanced security features first-hand, as apps with built-in protection take penchant over their risky counterparts.

As a result of this shift, more developers will turn their focus toward providing a better user experience in combination with these superior security features – all of which works in the best interest of the global internet community at large by creating a safer overall mobile experience.


4. The Rise of Native Ads


When it comes to mobile advertising strategy for the coming year, there are two stand-out players. The first of these is native.

Because the majority of the digital population is now fully-fluent in mobile, they’ve become more cautious of the brazen advertising strategies of the past. As a result, more and more advertisers are turning to native ads as a means to create an experience that’s trustworthy and non-disruptive, and that leaves their audience with a positive brand impression when all is said and done.

One place where this is especially true is on social. When the entire user experience is contained within a single feed, the native style is essential to creating a smooth transition from organic content to ad, and thus a positive user experience from start to finish. In fact, over the next four years social platforms will generate the majority of their revenue from native ads, and continue to dominate overall native ad spend across the digital ecosystem.


5. The Mobile Video & Connected TV Takeover


Throughout 2017, the mobile industry experienced an undeniable shift toward video – and it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

On top of its sensational performance (64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it), mobile video also drives favorable brand perception (43% of people want to see more video content from marketers). Both sides of this coin make video a force to be reckoned with, so it should come as no surprise that it’s on track to account for over 80% of all web traffic by the start of 2019.

And, in addition to standard mobile video, the demand for connected TV will also skyrocket throughout the coming year. As cord-cutters and cord-nevers lead the shift from traditional TV to digital devices, CTV is quickly becoming more mainstream.

According to Tremor Video DSP’s CEO Lauren Wiener, “Connected TV has tremendous promise for marketers: the ability to combine the targeting capabilities of digital with the scale of the big screen. And while the challenges connected TV currently faces mirror those mobile faced in its nascent stages, so too will the solutions.”

In the year ahead, marketers and industry players will work through these new challenges together to start fully delivering on the promise of connected TV.


We couldn’t be more excited for all of the innovations and advances in store for the year ahead. What are your predictions for 2018?